Exploring the crossroads of art and black ecologies with Jennifer Steverson, Wed. 10/27

Join us for for a virtual studio tour and conversation at the crossroads of art and black ecologies, Wednesday, October 27, 12:15-1:30 PM.

The concept of black ecologies underscores the undue impact of climate and environmental injustice on Black diaspora communities while lifting up “insurgent” Black ecological knowledge (Roane & Hosbey 2019).

Independent scholar and artist Jennifer Steverson. Steverson uses indigo dye, textiles, and archives to highlight Black diaspora community and resilience practices created through art, craft, and agriculture. In sharing a virtual tour of her art studio(s), she will be in conversation with arts-based geographer Naya Jones.

This free and virtual event is part of the University of California Santa Cruz’ Center for Cultural Studies Colloquium. It will be moderated by the UCSC Black Geographies Lab and is part of the growing Black Botany Studio.

Register at https://culturalstudies.ucsc.edu/2021/09/22/october-27-2021-naya-jones-and-jennifer-steverson-the-art-of-black-ecologies-a-virtual-studio-visit-conversation/


Further Links & Resources:

Bio: Jennifer Steverson

Bio: Naya Jones

More on Black Ecologies (not exhaustive!)

Naya Jones, PhD