Incontestable Salon: Transcript and Audio on "Intimate Black Geographies"

On November 17, 2021, I gathered with amazing colleagues based in the United States and in the United Kingdom for a virtual salon based on our Themed Intervention: Incontestable: Imagining Possibilities Through Intimate Black geographies in the Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.

Here’s the audio for the salon just below, along with a link to the full transcript.

About this project: The collection includes piece by Lioba A. Hirsch, Rita Gayle, Victoria Ogoegbunam Okoye, Nathaniel Télémaque, Celeste Winston, Francesca Sobande, and Danielle Purifoy, as well as myself. Lioba and I co-edited the Intervention, which took just about a year to publication. Along the way, we had virtual Zoom gatherings all together, shared our works in progress, and simply kept in touch. We practiced the intimacy we explore throughout this Intervention.

The Intervention is free and open access. I’d love to hear your experience with this collective work. Feel free to reach out. Note: I’ll be away from e-mail from December 20-January 3, so my response will be delayed over Winter Break.


Photography by Nathaniel Télémaque

Naya Jones, PhD